This is your gateway to finding out what is going on in camping in Connecticut. The CCA will be a valuable resource for you in your search for training opportunities, meetings, and anything else to benefit members and member camps in Connecticut. If you have specific questions or comments please contact us at
Greetings Connecticut Camp Association (CCA) Members,
Jane has been at summer camps throughout her lifetime. Jane’s parents both were camp directors, Mom directing Girl Scout day and resident programs and Dad directing Boy Scout day and resident programs. Jane was a Counselor-in-Training for two years at Camp Maria Pratt and went on through the ranks as a counselor, lifeguard, Waterfront Director, and eventually Camp Director all at Maria Pratt. Jane went on to a long and fruitful career in Girl Scouting, working first for Northwestern Connecticut Girl Scouts for over 20 years. In 2007, the councils in Connecticut merged when Jane was the Assistant CEO in northwestern Connecticut. She went on to work for Girl Scouts of Connecticut for many years as a Recruitment and Training manager to Camping Services Director before retiring in 2022. Jane’s son Riley was an Awosting camper and her daughter Caroline was a camper at Chinqueka. Jane also serves on the Connecticut Camping Association board of directors and is a standards visitor for the American Camp Association.
- What’s New in Camping
- Resources
- Board Meeting Minutes
- Allen Beavers Memorial Professional Development Scholarship
- Bernie Moore Scholarship
- CCA Business Members & Sponsorship Opportunities