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What’s New In Camping

Here you will find links to articles or documents related to summer camps in Connecticut such as new legislation or trends that are happening throughout New England and around the country.  If you have something of interest please send an email to connecticutcampingassociation@gmail.com

2023 February Campanion Article – Read the Regs Issue III

Read the Regs #3

2023 February Campanion Article – Read the Regs Issue II

Read the Regs #2


2023 January Campanion Article – Read the Regs Issue I

Read the Regs #1

2022 Statues & Regulations for Youth Camps – State of Connecticut OEC

OEC Youth Camp Regs

Memo from OEC (06/15/22)

Memo highlighting changes in Youth Camp Regulations

2021 OEC List of Camp Violations

2021 OEC List of Camp Violations

Guidance on Individual Care Plans (04/06/18)

OEC Guidance on Care Plans

2015 OEC Meeting on (03/11/15)

Click for Office of Early Childhood Meeting (PDF) for notes from the session with OEC.

Click for Air Quality, DEEP, International Staffing (PDF) notes from the afternoon sessions with DEEP and Camp America about International Staffing.

Click for proposed changes to Youth Camp Licensing Regulations (PDF) from the public comments in 2012.

2014 DPH Meeting (03/06/14)

DPH-Meeting-03-06-14 for notes from the DPH Session

Click for notes from the session on Lyme Disease Prevention

Protecting Children With Disabilities ADA Compliance for notes from the U.S. attorneys office presentation about Protecting children with disabilities and ADA law.

2013 DPH Meeting (04/11/13)

DPH Violations 2013 list of all violations during the camp season in 2013 provided by the CT DPH.

New DMV Vehicle Inspection Information

(May 2012) Updated 3/2014

Any camp vehicle used to transport campers must be inspected by the CT DMV and must use the form provided by DPH.  The vehicle must pass a Sound Mechanical Inspection and also have the following safety euipment in the vehicle and properly secured as in a bag or part of a safety kit, that can be secured to the vehicle in some way not to fly around (velcro, straps, etc..).  Here is what you need to have:

  1. Fire Extinguisher
    2. First Aid Kit
    3. Three Emergency Triangles

Click for the updated Vehicle Inspection Form from the DPH

2012 DPH Meeting (03/08/2012) March

If you were unable to attend the meeting, clink on this link to view some notes taken to hopefully answer any questions you may have. DPH Meeting March 2012 (PDF)